Unboxing the Aeotec Multisensor 7: Unboxing and Review
AeoTec MultiSensor 7
Today I want to introduce the Aeotec MultiSensor 7, the latest multisensor in Aeotec’s lineup. The MultiSensor 7 is 6 sensors in 1 compact device which provides temperature, vibration, humidity, motion, light and UV. The sensor also provides two ways to power the device, you can use the included USB cable or the batteries that are also provided.
Smart Homes have risen in popularity over the past few years, there are now many vendors that provide sensors and lighting. The more you want to do with your Smart Home the more sensors you need. By using the Aeotec MultiSensor 7 you can reduce 6 separate sensors into a single package.
1. Packaging and Presentation:
The Aeotec MultiSensor 7 is a compact sensor measuring just 1.38” high by 1.77” wide and 1.77” deep, it barely takes up any room replacing multiple sensors in one.
Aeotec MultiSensor 7
2. Contents of the Box:
Opening the box we notice everything is included to mount and use the sensor in your Smart Home ecosystems. We have the MultiSensor 7, a mounting arm, two sided 3M tape, a USB cable and two mounting screws. Aeotec gave you multiple option to power and mount the Multisensor allowing you to permanently or temporarily mount the sensor in any location you choose. There is a quick start guide provided to assist in the setup on some of the most popular Smart Home platforms.
It was a nice touch that Aeotec gave you more than one options when it comes to powering the device and mounting the MultiSensor 7. The USB method of powering ensures you never have to worry about replacing the batteries but not all locations have access to a USB port. Not everyone wants to mount their sensor to the wall permanently so having the option of sticking it to the wall for easy removal later was a nice touch.
Aeotec Sensor Box contents
3. Design and Build Quality:
The aesthetics of the sensor are very pleasing and the small compact design keeps it from being the center of the room. It seems like a lot of thought was put into the device giving you the ability to mount it on a mounting bracket, stick it directly into the wall or mount it permanently using the provided screws. The only tiny design issue I found was trying to get the battery compartment cover off, while unlocking it was easy I had to stick one of the screws into the usb pass through hole to pop the cover off. This is by no means a show stopper and is only a minor inconvenience.
The build quality seems pretty on par, all of the lines, doors and covers seem to line up while nothing feels as though it might fall apart. The sensor is made out of plastic just like every other sensor but it feels solid and not too heavy.
4. Key Features and Functionality:
There are several features that make the Aeotec MultiSensor 7 a strong addition to anyone's Smart Home setup. The MultiSensor 7 comes with 6 different sensors all packed into one small sensor package.
The vibration and motion sensors can be used in conjunction with a hub’s security system to provide detection of motion in a house or if someone kicks a door attempting to break in. You can also use the vibration sensor to detect tampering with windows or other items you want want to protect. I also like to monitor the environment in my house so I can know when the internal temperature or humidity is getting high. These metrics can be used in home automation to drive air conditioning usage or to dehumidifier. High temperature and humidity can contribute to mold growth which can cause a whole host of health issues.
Having all of these sensors in one package reduces the amount of space taken up by sensors. It’s also nice to be able to measure several different metrics without installing a number of individual sensors.
5. Setup and Installation Process:
When setting up the Multisensor 7 I ran into some issue while adding it to the Home Assistant software that used a Sonoff Zigbee dongle. I tried to add it to SmartThings for testing purposes, the process was pretty easy to do but didn’t fully work as expected. I was able to see motion from the sensor but the other sensors weren’t providing data such as the temperature or humidity. I also ran into some problems when removing the device from the SmartThings hub. I will go into more detail in an upcoming blog post where I do a full review of my experience using this sensor.
6. App Integration:
The Aeotec MultiSensor 7 is supported in all major Smart Home platforms, I was only able to to test with SmartThings as the time of this writing. I will be posting a full review in the future where I will test setup with several popular platforms.
7. Conclusion:
In conclusion the Aeotec MultiSensor 7 is 6 sensors in one small compact device, this sensor comes with multiple options to power it including the option of USB or batteries. Powering the sensor using the USB cable requires mounting the sensor in a location with a nearby USB port. If you use the included batteries to power the devices you will eventually need to replace the batteries but it enables you to mount the sensor in more locations.
There are several included options for mounting the MultiSensor, you opt for a temporary or more permanent solution with the provided hardware.
The final verdict is the Aeotec MultiSensor 7 is a small compact sensor that packs several sensors into a single package. If you want the functionality of several sensors and are good with spending a little more money for the sensor this would be a good choice for your Home Automation setup.
You can purchase the Aeotec MultiSensor 7 from Amazon using this link.